The United States of America was founded under a banner of rebellion; Rebellion against those who would use their Colonial interests in the name of Empire, Capital and Oppression. They believed their courageous children to be tools, mere digits in the fist of Conquest. Oh how they were wrong.
America has seen, and been the cause of it's share of wrong done to others, of the strong pressing their heel to the weak in order to expand borders, raise fences and increase an ever expanding fiscal margin without aim besides eminent domain.
It has also borne its share of heroism and selfless sacrifice for the ideals that were laid out so long ago in blood in Philadelphia, Boston and Appomattox; on the shores of Normandy and countless other unnamed beachheads and hamlets. We have renewed ourselves in the ideological battlegrounds of Memphis, Selma, and Atlanta; We were there to open the gates of Auschwitz and witness it’s horror and vow “Never Again”. The battle continues on our borders though the battle is not to keep the tide out, but to understand how the tide is Us and only the latest face of America.
We are a melting pot; Our melting pot is homogeneous, yet it retains it's individual flavors. We are one, out of many. We do not fear evolving demographics. For in freedom there is no account of color, race, creed, religion or gender.
Our differences, while moot in the grand scheme, weigh heavy on our shoulders, yet they are our strength. Lest we not forget why we have fought so hard and shed so many tears, and buried so many sons and daughters; let us come together once more unto ourselves. Let us be the New American Party.
Mission Statement:
The New American Party is founded upon these principles that we hold as fact:
1. All persons are afforded the same rights, basic opportunity and hold to the same accountability under law.
2. No person shall be forced to give up their rights at the behest, request or demand of another regardless of moral, religious or ideological standpoint.
3. We shall not stress our differences but embrace them; adding them to the armor that is our Freedom. We shall not discount our similarities, but celebrate them; proving them to be the foundation of our ever evolving dream.
4. We shall seek out first our problems and apply our solutions through democratic means which do not remove the rights of other persons. We shall uphold and respect our Constitution through vote of plebiscite.
5. We shall treat other Nations as we govern ourselves regardless of their reluctance to treat us as such. We shall seek out peaceful means unless at all times save self defence or the defence of others.
Via these simple axioms shall we ensure freedom for all, and commit all to freedom under the watchful eye of God.